CANCELED for 2020
The Racket School of Semantics and Languages
not July 27-31, 2020      not Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Overview and Audience

The Racket team has spent over thirty years developing and refining a coherent intellectual framework of programming language and programming research. For the past few years, the team has run a summer school for developers, academics, and undergraduates on various aspects of this framework.

This year’s topic: The 2020 school will introduce participants to the Racket method of “hardening” software by going from untyped scripts to fully typed programs. The team has actively worked on this framework for the past 20 years, making Racket the first language to include a system of higher-order behavioral software contracts (2002) and gradual types (2006). Both systems have evolved over the past two decades, and the Racket community has gathered significant practical experience with them.

Concretely, the 2020 Racket Summer School will cover three primary topics:
  • mostly-functional scripting and programming with modules;

  • behavioral software contracts; and

  • gradual (“migratory”) typing.

For each topic, participants will gather significant practical, hands-on experience and will get some exposure to the underlying theory.

The ideal attendee has Racket experience beyond How to Design Programs and Realm of Racket. He or she is
  • a professional or hobbyist programmer with an interest in strengthening his or her Racket skills;

  • or a graduate or undergraduate student who is intrigued by the idea of how academic research can produce a widely used artifact and how such an artifact can pose amazing research problems;

  • or an instructor who wishes to use more than the How to Design Programs languages in the curriculum, say for Programming Languages, Software Development, or AI;

  • or even a researcher (post-doc, faculty) who wishes to understand the Racket method of hardening software.

Dates and Location

The School will run July 27-31 (Monday-Friday) at the University of Utah.

The University is located in lovely Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Utah is home to several US National Parks, Monuments, and Sites, the Sundance Film Festival, the Bonneville Salt Flats, and much more. Learn more here, here, or here.


The School will be taught by Matthias Felleisen, Robby Findler, Matthew Flatt, Jay McCarthy, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, and guest lecturers (TBD).

Week Schedule

Each teaching day will run roughly 9am to 5pm, divided into four sections of about 75 min each. Some sections will be organized as traditional lectures. In lab sessions, the summer school participants will practice the lecture material with hands-on exercises; teaching assistants will be on hand to assist. Depending on demand, the lecturers will also organize ad hoc break-out sessions on topics of interest to the participants.


We have arranged for subsidized lodging in dorms at the University of Utah. To request dorm accommodation, please fill out the form.


Buy ticket at Eventbrite





Available to all.







Covers our full cost of offering these events, plus a little extra to help support Racket development; Racket is part of the Software Freedom Conservancy.







Available to participants from academic institutions that need a subsidy; tuition and travel reimbursement available for qualifying students who apply for financial aid.

Eventbrite fees are added during checkout.

Previous Racket Schools

2019     2018     2017     2015